DIY-Halloween Props That Turn to Look at You as you Walk By
by DIYHacksAndHowTos I love how people can automate items and make them move as props for events. This seems like such a cool project, but I wouldn't have foggiest idea of how to go about setting it up . If you are good with computer programming, have fun! Take pictures and share your creations. Interactive Halloween props are always fun and they are surprisingly easy to make. This year I designed a simple system that rotates a skull to face you and follows you movements as you walk by. To accomplish this I used light sensors to detect a person's shadow. An Arduino microcontroller then calculates where they are standing and activates a servo that turns the skull to face them. When they move, the skull turns to follows them. Step 1: Select a Halloween Prop to Use The first thing that you need to do is select a Halloween prop that will turn and follow people walking by. Look for props that are both creepy and light weight. I chose ...