Hello folks, hope you have been enjoying your Summer. Sorry I haven’t posted in some time. I have been working hard on my products, perfecting recipes and creating some new items which will soon be posted in my shop; but I’ve also been engrossed with finishing my Masters degree in Public Administration. I have 4 more weeks and will be done the 2nd week of August! I’m incredibly happy, giddy, anxious and exhausted, but mostly proud that I have completed this course I put myself on 2 years ago and have seen it through to the end. When I got laid off in 2009, I was angry at the turn of events but decided to use the time as an opportunity to go back to school and start my business. It has been scary and very frustrating at times, but has been a valuable life lesson in perseverance and trying to achieve personal goals. For many years I wondered what it would be like to “do my own thing”, not really knowing what it was. I worked for great companies and met wonderful p...